• English literature,  Medieval literature

    Opening Lines of THE CANTERBURY TALES (Middle English Pronunciation)

    Geoffrey Chaucer himself was kind enough to recite the first 18 lines of his famous Canterbury Tales in Middle English for Rooted Willow Homeschool. To watch the video, CLICK HERE or on the images below. Below are the first 18 lines in the East Midland dialect of Middle English, the English of Geoffrey Chaucer. “Middle English” is the stage of English lasting (roughly) from 1150-1500 A.D. It is not so different from modern English as the poem Beowulf, which comes from the Old English period (450-1150 A.D.), but, as you can see, it was quite different. (CLICK HERE for my recitation of “Caedmon’s Hymn,” a poem in Old English.) Interestingly,…

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  • Charlotte Mason

    What did Charlotte Mason say about narration?

    Narration is a skill that Charlotte Mason emphasized, and I think it is a very valuable skill, particularly these days when our ability to focus on a text deeply has been weakened by the hundreds of shiny promises of entertainment that flash around us constantly. In order to narrate , you must first read or listen to a reading closely.  Here are a few quotations from Charlotte Mason herself that will help get the idea across. As soon as the child is able to read, he should start reading some of his books on his own. He can read history, legends, fairy tales and other appropriate books. He should be…

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  • Plutarch

    Bring Plutarch to Life in Your Homeschool Curriculum: Who Was Plutarch?

    Usually I love a book for its own sake. Something about its characters, plot, and setting captures my imagination and draws me in.  But every once in a while, I love a book for the sake of its author as well.  For instance, when I read a book by C.S. Lewis or George MacDonald, I feel like I am in the company of a friend and mentor, someone I could trust with my own children.  I feel the same way about Plutarch, and I am not alone.  People have loved Plutarch for nearly two thousand years.  Indeed, he is one of the most beloved authors in the entire canon of…

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